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Climate  Culture




The subject of climate change can be pretty scary and overwhelming. We believe that knowledge and understanding are key to combatting the fear, to help us feel optimistic about future possibilities. It is important that we embrace the climate conversation through all angles of human culture, so we have gathered resources ranging from educational guides on climate science to sci-fi novels on the future of our planet and comedic podcasts on human behaviour. We hope you find something to suit your mood! 


This list is ever-growing and we would love to hear any recommendations to add - let us know in the comment boxes below - or just let us know what you've found particularly interesting! 


Book-lovers unite! Flip through our little online library to see which books we recommend.
Please share comments and your own recommendations below.


Are you a cinephiliac? Browse through our suggestions for documentaries and fictional films.
Please share comments and your own recommendations below.


For those who prefer podcasts, you are in luck! Many climate activists have set up their own awesome podcasts - check them out here.